Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mole Removal Method

Moles are pigmented skin growths that appear on the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, most people have 20 to 40 moles. While there are moles that slowly disappear after 50 years, most moles are permanent. For this reason there are many mole removal methods available. Some are homemade, while others are medical procedures. Most moles are harmless, but in rare cases, a mole becomes cancerous. Revi, the medical term for moles, come in various shapes and sizes. But in most cases, a person can find a method to remove a problematic mole.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar often is recommended as a treatment for moles. The active ingredient in the vinegar that actually removes the mole is potassium. You have several options. You can take potassium supplements or apple cider vinegar supplements. Or you can make a paste of the potassium tablets or capsules and apply it daily to the mole. Another option is to drink 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar each day or apply the vinegar directly to the mole. After several days the mole will fall off.


Garlic is a popular folk remedy for mole removal, reports the Earth Clinic website. Fresh garlic usually is the best treatment. Cut a very thin slice of the garlic clove and apply it to the moles, holding it in place with medical tape or a Band-Aid. Leave the garlic on the mole overnight for three nights in a row. Garlic reportedly removes the mole in only three days. The active ingredient in garlic is sulfur, and it is this substance that removes the mole.

Shaving the Mole

Dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons or plastic surgeons offer a few treatments for the removal of moles. According to the Mayo Clinic, when a doctor shaves off a mole, he "numbs the area around a mole and then uses a small blade to cut around and beneath the mole." This excision of the mole usually doesn't require sutures. This method is best for small moles.

Punch Biopsy

A punch biopsy is a technique used to get a small sample of tissue to test for cancer cells. But this technique has other uses as well. It can be used to remove moles. Punch biopsies use a device that resembles a cookie cutter. The doctor places this device on the mole and is able to punch it out, states the Mayo Clinic.


As a final resort or for the removal of cancerous moles, surgery is the most effective option. In this method the doctor excises or cuts out the mole and a small bit of the surrounding tissue. Sutures are needed to sew up the skin. This is probably the most invasive of the mole removal procedures.

Tags: cider vinegar, Mayo Clinic, mole removal, removes mole, According Mayo, According Mayo Clinic