Consider Alternatives to Root Canal
A dentist has examined your teeth because you have pain and he finds that you need a root canal. Things have changed over the years. Root canal therapy has improved. Perhaps the reason is that today's anesthesia options are better. However, there are alternatives to a root canal.
1. Discuss alternatives with your dentist. They have the knowledge and can consider your circumstances. They know the pain level and fee structure of the procedure. However, they don't know your pain threshold and money situation. You have this information, so talk about it with the dentist.
2. Think about having the "sick" tooth pulled. The price is a fraction of what a root canal would cost. The procedure would last only a few minutes, and you would have the problem of that bad tooth behind you. Consider, though, the location of the tooth. You might not want to pull a tooth located in the front. If you do, arrange for a replacement tooth to go in immediately.
3. Ask about using a medicated filling. This process reduces the irritation inside the tooth and tries to cure the problem from within. Dentists hesitate to use this method because patients often feel they are continuing to pay for a tooth that died after their treatment. Frequently, the alternatives do not take care of the problem and you're back in the dentist's chair for more work on your teeth and gums.
4. Bite on something the wrong way and get an infection. This is probably what will happen when you pull the bad tooth to avoid the root canal. Dental experts advise that the only viable alternative to a root canal is to pull the tooth.
5. Insist that the dentist clean below the gum line to clear out any infection. Continue with good dental hygiene.
6. Consider saving the tooth by actually having the root canal. It could be a better option than you thought. If you have the tooth pulled, infection could set in and cause many subsequent dental visits.
Tags: pull tooth, root canal, Alternatives Root, Alternatives Root Canal, Consider Alternatives, Consider Alternatives Root