Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alternative Jobs For Nurse Practitioners

Nurse practitioners can choose to work in holistic nursing.

Nurse practitioners are highly trained advanced-practice nurses with a master's or doctoral degree. Nurse practitioners can choose to work in many nursing specialties, such as psychiatrics, pediatrics, adult care and acute care. Nurse practitioners looking for alternative jobs may find them in settings outside of regular hospitals or clinics, or in areas that take a different approach to nursing.

Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Holistic nurse practitioners work in hospitals, private complementary medical clinics and hospices. Holistic nurse practitioners view patients from a whole perspective, taking into account their physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs. Holistic nursing blends Eastern and Western styles of medicine to create a different type of nursing paradigm. Nurse practitioners can be certified by the American Holistic Nurses Association after receiving training in holistic nursing.

Traveling Nurse Practitioner

Traveling nurse practitioners perform many of the same functions and duties as staff nurse practitioners; the main difference is that they don't stay in one place for long. These nurse practitioners work for private nursing companies that procure positions for them all over the United States for different periods of time. A nurse practitioner could work in one place for three weeks before being transferred to work elsewhere for three months. This alternative is perfect for nurses who want to see the world and have a career at the same time.

Correctional Nurse Practitioners

Working as a nurse practitioner in a correctional facility such as a prison or a jail provides nurses with an alternative type of nursing experience. Nurse practitioners who work in prisons can monitor their patients closely as long as they remain in the facility, a task that is much more difficult in other situations. A nurse practitioner at a correctional facility has a lot of control over the quality of care that her patients receive.

Tags: practitioners work, choose work, correctional facility, Holistic nurse, Holistic nurse practitioners