Monday, December 5, 2011

Learn Labor Acupressure Points

Using acupressure is one of the oldest, safest and most pleasant ways to induce or quicken labor. It ensures that you will go naturally and calmly into labor, instead of using medication to force the cervix. Stimulating the pressure points during labor also relaxes the mother and helps relieve pain. Learning the correct pressure points is easy and, with practice, can be found immediately. It is best for a partner to learn the pressure points first. Only practice acupressure if you are very close to labor or are feeling contractions.


1. Pinch the skin connecting the mother's thumb and forefinger. The correct pressure point will feel sensitive or tender to the mother.

2. Rub the skin with your thumb and forefinger for 30 to 60 seconds. Rest for 1 to 2 minutes before continuing, or during a contraction if the mother is in labor. This stimulation helps reduce the intensity of the contractions and relax the mother.

3. Locate the mother's ankle prominence on the inside of the leg above the heel. The pressure point is three thumb-lengths above the prominence. Use the mother's thumb to measure and find the point. The area will feel like a bruise.

4. Press two fingers firmly to the spot. Rub in circular motions. Place your index finger above your middle finger if you become tired. Continue rubbing the area until a contraction is felt if the mother is in labor. This stimulation both relaxes the mother and increases the frequency of her contractions.

5. Apply pressure to the skin directly adjacent to the corner of the mother's pinky toenail. Massage the area with your thumb and forefinger in circular motions to further relieve pain from contractions and calm the mother.

Tags: pressure points, thumb forefinger, your thumb forefinger, circular motions, correct pressure