Monday, April 19, 2010

Live A Healthy Life Without Dieting

It is possible to live a healthy life. Eating healthy foods in moderation while working out on a daily basis is a simple blueprint for a healthy lifestyle. To some, it sounds a bit like hell in a bottle! It doesn't have to be that way. It can be possible to live a healthy lifestyle even without consciously dieting! Here is do just that.


1. Eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full. This is the most simplistic but true statement that can be made about how you eat. It is not something that should be put in a book and sold for twenty bucks. It's just the way it is.

2. Plan your meals in advance for all weekdays. Weekends or days off should not be forced to adhere to a routine. We all need a break in every way a couple of days a week.

3. Make a list of the things you enjoy doing. Walking, hiking or skating just may be on the list. Make a separate list of things that you have always wanted to do. Now put a check mark next to everything on both lists that includes physical activity of some kind. Chances are, lots of things on the list are things that require exercise.

4. Implement a plan where you do the physical activities on your hobby list three times a week. Once a week, on your day off, plan to do something from the list of things you always wanted to do. Once a week, you will now be doing something you always wanted to do.

5. Take an evening stroll after dinner with a friend or partner. It is a relaxing way to burn some extra bread calories after dinner, and it is painless. It is even fun, and it can be a great way to get to know your friend that much better. Instead of spending money on a huge caloric meal in a restaurant in order to enjoy one another's car, you can enjoy the company while strolling and burning calories. Fun without worrying about dieting to restrict calories!

Tags: list things, always wanted, after dinner, healthy lifestyle, list things that