Monday, April 26, 2010

Cover The Smell Of Cigarette Breath

Don't cover your mouth. There are ways to eliminate cigarette breath.

You can usually tell a smoker by their breath. Not only do smokers get bad breath from the tobacco, but smoking dries out the mouth, which can lead to bad breath. Smokers are at risk for periodontal disease, as well, states the Mayo Clinic, which is another cause of bad breath. Quitting smoking is the best option to get rid of your smoker's breath. You can also try some remedies that will help clean your mouth and eliminate the odor.


1. Chew gum. Gum comes in many flavors, like cinnamon and peppermint, thus the gum can mask the unpleasant odor. states that chewing gum also causes more saliva to be produced, which in turn washes away bacteria that can cause bad breath.

2. Brush your teeth after smoking, if possible. This will remove bacteria and odors from your mouth. Many toothpastes are made specifically for bad breath.

3. Use a mouthwash made for bad breath. Rinse your mouth after smoking to eliminate the odor. Look for an antiseptic mouth rinse that not only gets rid of bad breath, but also kills germs that cause it.

4. Munch on a sprig of parsley. This herb contains chlorophyll, which aids in freshening bad breath. Parsley also has antibacterial properties. You can chew on it for five minutes; then swallow, or spit it out.

5. Use cloves for freshening your breath. Brush your gums and your tongue with powdered cloves. Cloves have antiseptic properties that can reduce bad breath. You can also chew a clove after each cigarette.

Tags: your mouth, breath also, after smoking, breath Brush, breath Brush your, Brush your