Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Person Find True Happiness

The Search For Happiness

Human beings all want to be happy at some level. We are almost always on a continuous journey to seek satisfaction. Yet we don't always know where to look, what to do, or even what it would be to make us truly happy.

Start With Who You Are

Happiness can be found in many external things. Job success, money, food, cars, alcohol, the opposite sex...people will smile and say that all these things bring pleasure. But the problem with external items is that they are temporary. Those types of external sources will eventually go away and won't matter much when your time on Earth is over.

But internal happiness can last for long periods of time. On your search for happiness, you have to start within. Think of moments when you could say nice things about yourself or had a genuinely clean good time. What did you do to feel good? Was it the money you earned, or was it that you made your child smile by paying for a pony ride? Was it the food that you ate, or was it the company you were with that shared the meal with you? External objects that bring happiness to you are often extensions of an internal need.

Look At How You Feel About Others

Once you have received some self-awareness of "what" makes you happy, look at what you do or feel for others that makes them happy. Most people will feel some sort of compassion for others and want to do things to help them feel good. We even share in others' joy. Think about how some people cheer when a puppy is rescued from being stuck in a ditch or when a cat is rescued from a tree. Many of us have had a pet at one time or another and can feel the pain and, more importantly, joy when someone gets their pet back. When you recognize who or what you feel the most compassion for, you will start to have a sense of direction on what to do to reach that happiness.

Take Confident Action Towards That Happiness

Start to "do something" about reaching that happiness you felt through compassion. There are countless stories about people who quit their high-paying jobs to pursue simple dreams just because of the joy they get. Most of those simple dreams involve making other people happy.

And don't talk yourself out of it by using negative speak. Saying things like "I'll never be able to" or "I'm not good enough" may lead you right back to the temporary happiness objects. If your happiness comes from food, consider making the meal yourself or making one for a homeless shelter. If you like partying with friends, host a birthday party for a child and invite them along.

By starting with yourself, reflecting it on others and taking action, you will be on your way to true happiness.

Tags: feel good, look what, people will, rescued from, simple dreams, what feel