Friday, May 10, 2013

The Precious Metals Found In Rhodonite

Rhodonite is a silicate or quartz compound and is very similar to rose quartz. It was named after the Greek word rhodon, meaning rose. In 1979, the mineral was recognized by Massachusetts as the state gem. It is abundant in Russia, and is recognized by that country as the national gem. The mineral is pink in color, with shades varying from light pink to a deep reddish pink. The pink color is attributed to the presence of manganese in the mineral. Small quantities of iron and calcium also are present in rhodonite.

Formation of Rhodonite

Rhodonite is formed through a sedimentary process, in which manganese metamorphoses with minerals such as calcium and aluminum. In due course, the exposed parts of manganese become oxidized and create black and gray veins on the mineral. The mineral is normally found as rounded crystals, grains or masses in the manganese ores. It is heavier than quartz.

Rhodonite Mineral Facts

Rhodonite has the chemical formula MnSiO3. The mineral has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 and a density of 3.6. The mineral is found in two forms: in crystalline form and in thick, fine granular form. In crystalline form, rhodonite is made of hexagonal crystals. It is a vitreous crystal, and the luster varies from translucent to opaque.


Rhodonite is considered a gemstone. So it is usually cut and polished into beads to make ornaments. Due to the presence of manganese oxide, the rhodonite mineral has black veins over it. The black veins form flowery patterns over the pink mineral, giving it a striking appearance when made into ornaments. The mineral formerly was used in Russia to prepare service platters and was often given as a gift during the weddings of Russian czars.


Rhodonite usually is found with rhodochrosite and quartz. It occurs as a veinstone with many metals. It is abundant in lead and silver-lead veins, as well as in veins with magnetite and with metals such as copper. Rhodonite also occurs along with minerals such as limestone and shale. In addition, the mineral is abundant in igneous rocks and is found in manganese ores. Rhodonite often is affected by weather, forming a mixture that consists of manganese oxide, silica and water. The mixture also may contain traces of manganese, calcium and iron.

Tags: black veins, crystalline form, manganese ores, manganese oxide, minerals such, pink color, presence manganese