Monday, July 1, 2013

Ulnar Nerve Damage Treatments

Ulnar nerve damage is caused by pressure to the nerve that runs through the arm. The damage might be to the nerve myelin sheath layer or to the nerve axon. Treatments exist in the form of splints, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, surgery and physical therapy.


Splints, casts and elbow pads are used to support the arm and protect it from further pressure or damage.

OTC Drugs

Over-the-counter analgesics, or painkillers, can help alleviate pain from ulnar nerve damage.Other medications may be available but you should consult your doctor first.

Prescription Drugs

To reduce swelling and pressure on the nerve, corticosteroids may be used by a medical professional. Other drugs include gabapentin and carbamazepine.


Surgery might be recommended to reduce symptoms from ulnar never damage, or if the symptoms are from the entrapment of the nerve.

Physical Therapy

A medical professional may suggest physical therapy to strengthen the muscles in the injured area.

Tags: from ulnar, medical professional, nerve damage, physical therapy, pressure nerve, symptoms from