Thursday, June 2, 2011

Manage Pes Planus

Pes planus is commonly known as flat foot. The condition is characterized by a fallen arch that results in the bottom of the foot being flat rather than curved. In most cases, pes planus also gives the foot an appearance of being somewhat spread out. Unchecked, the condition can result to further damage to the legs, especially the calves. The back and knees may also be impacted. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage the condition and get on with life.


1. Assess the situation. This means seeing a podiatrist or other healthcare professional to determine just how sever the case happens to be. The degree of pes planus that is present will point the way toward the most effective forms of treatment and provide the patient with ideas of what to do to live with the condition during the treatment phase.

2. Consider arch supports. These often will provide relief to the fallen arches and also help to minimize the pain felt in the calves or the lower back. The supports are easy to wear and require nothing more than minimum care.

3. Exercises may also be helpful in managing symptoms. These may include specific exercises known as foot gymnastics. These can be especially helpful if the arch fell as a result of some type of accident and is in the process of healing. Your healthcare professional can determine which exercises would be best given the condition of your arches and any pain that is generated in other areas as a result.

4. Take prescribed or over-the-counter medication as recommended by your physician. Often, some type of medication will help to alleviate some of the pain that is caused by flat feet. This is especially true if the condition is causing cramped muscles in the legs or an ache in the lower back. Make sure your physician knows everything you are taking so there is no chance of a negative interaction.

5. See a therapist. While your discomfort is due to a physical condition, you may become so emotionally weary from dealing with the pain and discomfort that you feel unable to keep moving forward. A qualified therapist can help you develop coping skills that will help maintain a positive mood and allow you to sidestep the trap of becoming discouraged.

Tags: healthcare professional, healthcare professional determine, lower back, pain that, professional determine