Thursday, November 17, 2011

Metaphysical Crystals For Plants

New-age believers assert that crystals can heal people and plants.

Many people in the new-age movement ascribe special magical or quasi-magical properties to crystals. Crystals are believed to be able to cure illness, remove negative emotions and bad luck, and even help to grow plants and protect them from bugs. You don't need big or expensive stones to exploit these purported powers -- small crystals a couple of inches or smaller near the targeted plant or area of the garden are sufficient. As with most matters of religion, opinions vary about the right crystal for the right purpose. Experiment and see which seems to work for you. You can find the crystals you need at new-age stores or at mineral-supply store where they tend to be cheaper.


Quartz crystals are all-purpose crystals, and are often recommended for plants. According to the website Crystal Tiger, clear and rose quartz can help to heal sick plants when placed in a circle around them, and pieces of quartz crystals under a tomato plant provide "grounding" energy. The website Healing Crystals recommends both clear and lithium quartz for healing plants. Clear quartz is clear or slightly cloudy white in appearance, while rose quartz is translucent with a pink color. Lithium quartz may have a range of colors including clear, pink and purple parts.

Pest Repellants

According to The Crystal Tiger, darker crystals help to keep insects and other pests away from your plants. The website recommends using onyx or obsidian in particular. Healing Crystals recommends the dark-colored crystal tourmaline in either red or green as an insect repellent. In either case, you should simply stick the crystal in the ground near the plant or plants you wish to protect. Onyx comes in a variety of colors, but should be used in its translucent black shade. Obsidian is a shiny, black translucent glass with interesting fault lines. Tourmaline is available in a wide variety of shades and can be clear or cloudy depending on the stone.


Both Healing Crystals and the website Crystal Vibrations recommend agate as the most useful stone for gardening. Healing Crystals recommends Moss Agate in particular, calling it "the gardener's talisman." According to the site, wearing a moss agate pendant while gardening can prevent stiffness and weariness from gardening, attract abundant plant growth and attune you to the needs of your plants. If you have an area where the plants are sick or growing sluggishly, try hanging a moss agate pendant above it to make the plants healthier.

Crystal Vibrations recommends tree agate in particular, to give plants strength and health as well as to ward off pests. According to the site, tree agate is useful both in the garden and for indoor plants. Tree agate heels plants slowly, according to the site, so patience is important.

Tree and moss agate both have complex, marbled colors with different shades of green and white inside.

Tags: Healing Crystals, Crystals recommends, Healing Crystals recommends, agate pendant, Crystal Tiger, Crystal Vibrations