Thursday, June 20, 2013

Joint Pain In Teenagers

Joint pain in teenagers has many causes and should be treated immediately. A doctor can determine if the joint pain is caused by injury, disease or infection.


A teenager may experience pain when moving the affected joint, pain at rest, tenderness, swelling, redness, discoloration, fever or a rash.


There are many different causes of joint pain in teenagers, including injury, infection, Lyme disease, Osgood-Schlatter disease and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.


Joint pain in teenagers can limit their activities. They may be unable to participate in sports or do their chores. They may also be embarrassed by the inability to complete tasks they normally tackle without problems.


Make sure your teenager is wearing safety equipment when playing sports. If your teenager has other symptoms along with joint pain, if the joint pain does not fade over time, or if there is any swelling, discoloration or tenderness, consult a doctor.


There are treatments available for Lyme disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and Osgood-Schlatter disease. Consult a doctor to have your teenager's joint pain diagnosed and treated.

Tags: pain teenagers, your teenager, disease juvenile, disease juvenile rheumatoid, joint pain, joint pain, juvenile rheumatoid