Thursday, January 29, 2009

Symptoms Of Drug Abusers

It can be shocking to find out that a friend or relative is a drug abuser. You may have suspected that something was wrong but didn't think it would be substance abuse. How do you know if someone is a drug abuser? There are different types of drugs, therefore the signs and symptoms of drug abuse may vary. Normally there are certain signs that can indicate possible drug abuse.

Physical Signs

The detectable physical signs of drug use include, among others, dilated pupils, bloodshot eyes, nasal irritation and needle marks on the skin.


Changes in behavior such as irritability, restlessness and hyperactivity can be an indication of drug abuse. People who are drug abusers may appear jittery, moody, depressed or unusually talkative.

Personal Hygiene

Drug abusers may neglect their appearance and personal hygiene. They may often appear disheveled or unkempt.

Teens in School

There may be noticeable signs of drug abuse in teens such as a drop in school grades, lack of interest in activities as well as excessive absenteeism and tardiness.


Similar signs such as absenteeism and tardiness often occur with adult drug abusers in the workplace. There may also be a change in attitude as well as a change in relationships with friends and co-workers. Productivity and work performance may be poor.


Drug paraphernalia are often the most concrete indication that someone is a drug abuser. Short straws, needles, a pipe or even a lighter being in the possession of someone who does not smoke cigarettes can be a sign of drug use.

Tags: drug abuse, drug abuser, absenteeism tardiness, signs drug, someone drug