Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Treat Common Childhood Injuries

Raising children is a time of falls and scrapes, bumps and bruises. No matter how well you watch over your children accidents can and do occur. A good rule of thumb with children is to always expect the unexpected. It also helps to have basic knowledge to care for minor wounds and to know when medical care is necessary.Stay calm when an injury occurs. Most parents tend to panic when a child falls or is otherwise injured. It is a normal reaction. But when you panic you are unable to properly assess your child's injuries. If you panic so will your child. It is important to keep your child calm while you treat the injury or seek medical attention.


Treat Scrapes and Cuts

1. Rinse under cool water to remove to debris and excess blood if bleeding.

2. If bleeding apply pressure until bleeding subsides.

3. Wash with soap and warm water.

4. Cleanse with a cotton ball and hydrogen peroxide.

5. Cover with band-aid or gauze bandage.

Treat Animal Bites

6. Apply pressure to stop bleeding.

7. Wash the wound with soap and warm water.

8. Cover with a bandage.

9. Seek medical attention.

10. Animal bites should always be treated by a physician even if the animal is familiar to you. Provide as much information regarding the animal as possible to the medical staff.

Treat Burns

11. There are three degrees of burns. If a first degree burn occurs there will be pain, redness of the skin and possibly slight swelling.

12. When a first degree burn occurs run the affected area under cool water to ease the pain and burning sensation.

13. Cover with a sterile gauze bandage.

14. In second degree burns blistering of the skin occurs. Do not treat a second degree burn but seek medical attention.

15. In third degree burns there may be blistering and also charring of the skin. A third degree burn is a medical emergency and needs immediate medical treatment.

Treat Falls

16. If your child falls quickly assess the damage. Check for bumps, bleeding and swelling.

17.If the child is unconscious call 911 immediately. If the child is conscious talk to him/her to see if he knows who and where he/she is.In the case of head trauma it is always best to see a physician even if there are no outward detectable symptoms of injury.

18. Swelling of a limb may indicate sprain or fracture.X-rays may be needed to properly ascertain the injury. Seek medical attention.

19. Any injury to the eye(s) requires medical attention. It is best not to treat at home. See a physician.

Tags: medical attention, degree burn, your child, Cover with, burn occurs, child falls