Friday, May 13, 2011

Symptoms Of Ear Nose & Throat Disease & Infections

The ears, nose and throat are all linked together in your head; an infection in one area can lead to symptoms or infections in another.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are quite common, especially in babies and children. Symptoms of an ear infection are, hearing problems, tugging at ears, sharp pain in the ear, ear drainage and trouble sleeping.


Nose infections are often called, sinus infections or sinusitis. Symptoms of a sinus infection are, pain in your forehead, cheekbones or jawbone. You many have an earache, headache and a very congested nose. Other symptoms are fever, green drainage from your nose, tiredness, cough, sore throat and bad breath.

Throat Infection

A throat infection can be tonsillitis, a minor sore throat or a strep throat infection. Symptoms of tonsillitis can be swollen tonsils, red sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing. Symptoms of a minor sore throat can be, a sore red throat, difficulty swallowing and fever.

Strep Throat

Strep Throat with White Patches

Symptoms of Strep throat infection are, difficulty swallowing, red tonsils, white patches on throat, red spots on roof of mouth, swollen lymph glands, fever, headache, rash and stomach ache. Strep throat can be treated with antibiotics.

MRSA Infection

The ears, nose and throat are all susceptible to the MRSA bacteria or antibiotic resistant staph infection. The symptoms of this type of infection are similar to all of the others, but there could also be abscesses on the tonsils and throat. Further symptoms could be thick pus draining from the ears or nose.

Tags: sore throat, difficulty swallowing, ears nose, ears nose throat, minor sore, minor sore throat