Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Use Tea Tree Oil To Eliminate Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are painful growths that grow on the underside of the foot. They are caused by HPV, the same virus responsible for a variety of wart conditions in the body. HPV enters the body through a small cut or scrape, and in some people it leads to plantar warts. Unlike regular warts, plantar warts can grow deep into the foot, with a strong root that causes pain when pressure is applied to the wart while walking. Over time, if a plantar warts grows on the balls of the foot or on the heel, it can become too painful to walk. The plantar wart can become irritated, inflamed, or turn a brownish-black color. Infection should be avoided. Seeking a medical doctor's attention is important when dealing with plantar warts, but the standard treatment involves freezing the wart and letting it die, or cutting out the entire wart, all the way down to the core. Because plantar warts can have deep roots, this can be an extremely painful surgery, so try first to treat them naturally.


1. Wash the area very carefully and soak the foot for at least twenty minutes in a warm foot bath with epsom salts. Do this right before bedtime.

2. Dry the foot and examine the plantar wart. Is it infected? If so, do not use tea tree oil. Call a doctor and schedule an appointment. If the wart is not infected, move on to Step 3.

3. Take a small cotton swab and soak it with tea tree oil. Dab the plantar wart with the tea tree oil, and then tape the cotton swab to the plantar wart with a bandaid or with surgival tape over gauze.

4. Cover the bandage with a clean cotton sock, and go directly to bed. Do not walk on the bandage.

5. Repeat this action for one to two weeks. You can apply tea tree oil more than once a day if needed.

Tags: plantar wart, plantar warts, cotton swab, plantar wart with, plantar warts