Friday, April 10, 2009

Cure For A Tailbone Bruise

Bruising of the coccyx is a problem for many people and can result from a variety of instances, including falls or collisions. Bruising of the tailbone can cause pain, which may in turn limit mobility and comfort. Sadly, there is no instantaneous cure for a bruised tailbone, as time is really all that can heal a bruised tailbone. However, you can take precautions to make yourself as comfortable as possible while the bruise heals.

Use a Seat Cushion

A bruised tailbone could heal in several days, or it could be weeks. Either way, to alleviate the pain that stems from such an injury, use a doughnut seat cushion while sitting. This will alleviate pain on the lower back. These seat cushions can be purchased at any medical supply store.

Ice it Down and Medicate

To alleviate pain and swelling as resulting from a bruised tailbone, place an ice pack on your tailbone for 20-30 minutes every three to four hours for a few days, or until there is no more pain. Also, your doctor may provide anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate the pain. See your doctor for more information on what medications are available.

Drink Fluids and Increase Fiber

On the surface, it seems like your diet would have little impact on pain resulting from a tailbone bruise. However, by increasing your fluid and fiber intake, you can prevent constipation. After all, constipation can cause even more pain in the lower back/tailbone area.

Physical Therapy

To help alleviate pain in the tailbone area, lie on the ground with your back on the ground, keeping one leg straight while lifting the other across the length of your body. Then, do so with the other leg. This helps stretch the body and alleviate pain.

Tags: alleviate pain, bruised tailbone, lower back, more pain, pain lower