Thursday, April 9, 2009

Treat Blistering Eczema

Eczema is a frustrating skin condition that is painful and not easy to cure. In the early stages, blisters are formed which are itchy, painful, easily irritated, and can be unsightly. The blisters usually weep, and can get so big and cracked that every day activities and work are inhibited. The skin may also become cracked, peeling and crusty. There is no quick cure for blistering eczema but read on for some treatment tips.


Understand the Problem

1. Understand the eczema. Eczema is associated with dryness so use moisturizing body products. The addition of aloe into soap is helpful because aloe is moisturizing and soothing. In many cases, doctors will actually suggest that the patient stop using all soap and water until the skin clears.

2. Treat the wounds naturally. Apply aloe vera directly to the wounds. There is no such thing as too much aloe vera so you can use it liberally without worry of toxicity. Aloe can come directly from a plant or in commercial form.

3. Soothe the skin. Another helpful substance is propolis cream. The waxy presence is a natural antibiotic. When paired with aloe, propolis has been effective in soothing eczema symptoms.

4. Treat severe blisters. More severe blisters can be treated with compresses of vinegar and water for 15 minutes, four times a day, to dry up blisters.

5. Use prescribed medications. A topical steroid should be applied nightly to reduce itching and inflammation. The most severe cases will require a ingested cortisone tablet.

6. Consult with a doctor. As with any condition, you should consult with your doctor to confirm that your skin irritation is eczema and not some other condition or infection that would require a different type of treatment. Your doctor will also be able to prescribe antibiotics should infection occur.

Tags: aloe vera, severe blisters