Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Use Xylitol To Fight Cavities

Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from birch trees. This sweetener, unlike refined sugar, can actually help to prevent cavities. With 40% fewer calories than sugar and a protective element that slows tooth decay, dental associations in northern Europe (such as Denmark and Finland) have called for children to chew xylitol-sweetened gum to prevent cavities. Children who chew xylitol-based gum have 50% fewer cavities than those who do not chew the gum. Some studies show that even ingesting xylitol in baked goods or as a sugar substitute can help to improve dental health as well.


1. Buy and use toothpaste that contains xylitol. Major toothpaste companies in the U.S. do not use xylitol as an additive or sweetener in their toothpaste brands. Smaller toothpaste brands, such as Squigle, contain only xylitol as an additive and sweetener.

2. Brush twice per day with toothpaste that contains xylitol, and an additional time after eating any food with refined sugar. The xylitol needs to reside on the teeth and gums to help reduce cavities.

3. Chew gum that contains xylitol. Many brands, including Spry gum, contain xylitol. Look for European imports to the United States to find xylitol-containing gum. Some European dental health studies show that chewing gum with xylitol in it steadily throughout the day substantially reduces cavities.

4. Bake with xylitol. You can buy xylitol in granule form, like buying refined sugar. Cook with xylitol as a substitute for sugar, replacing 1/3 of the sugar with xylitol. Consuming xylitol-based baked goods can help with dental health, as ingesting xylitol has a positive effect on cavity reduction.

5. Eat xylitol hard candy throughout the day. Some studies show that xylitol can actually repair minor cavities, filling in the small breaks in the tooth enamel. A steady supply of xylitol in the mouth is crucial for this to occur.

Tags: with xylitol, contains xylitol, dental health, refined sugar, show that, studies show, studies show that