Monday, July 6, 2009

Healthy Diet Plans For Teens

Getting your teen to follow a healthy diet is a challenging experience. Try not to worry about what your teen eats away from home, as you probably will not be able to control this. According to the Mayo Clinic, teen obesity is on the rise, so some diet changes are in order. Have lots of healthy snacks in your house at all times, Take time to plan nutritious meals and let them sometimes partake in the preparation. Gentle suggestions for healthy eating, with legitimate reasons, work much better than lecturing.

Breakfast plan

Make sure to get your teen out of bed early enough to have breakfast. Whole grain toast with peanut butter is usually a favorite and very healthy. A piece of fresh fruit will be a great addition. Cold cereal is generally well-tolerated by teens, and pick out the healthiest one made of whole grains. Check in advance to be sure the cereal is acceptable. Should your teen be on the run and not interested in breakfast, have a glass of milk or juice ready for easy consumption, and hand them a piece of toast in a plastic bag to take on the way out.

Lunch plan

If your teen is amicable to taking lunch to school, you are in luck. You can pack cut-up veggies, fresh fruit, and a protein-rich tuna, roast beef or turkey sandwich. You obviously will not be there to supervise their eating, but if they are hungry enough they will eat what they are given. The more your teens are introduced to healthy fare, the more likely they will develop a taste for nutritious foods.

Dinner plan

Dinner is the time you have the most control with food. Make it a point to see that the family shares this meal as often as possible. Ask your teenagers what foods they like, and more than likely you will find healthy selections that fit their desires. Encourage them to try the vegetables, and let it go if they do not want to eat more. Have lots of fresh vegetable salads with their favorite dressings. You can cook sweet potatoes, brown rice and whole wheat pasta, and wait and see how they like them. Season food well and make it as tasty as you can. Desserts should almost always be fresh fruit.


Snacks are huge for teenagers. They will come home from school famished. If the house is full of healthy fruit, veggies with dips, popcorn, and tortilla chips with salsa, they will go for it. If your kids have serious sweet tooths, bake cookies that are low in fat and sugar and have fruit in the batter. Finding continued ways to keep the diet of a teenager nutritious takes a little work, but healthy habits will last a lifetime.

Tags: your teen, fresh fruit, Have lots, they like, they will