Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Which Foods Contain Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for blood coagulation or clotting. Although vitamin K is produced by the body, the fat cells that store vitamins store little vitamin K. Eating a diet rich in vitamin K is important for healthy blood function.


Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, cabbage, green-leaf lettuce and broccoli. Other sources of vitamin K are green tea and cereals.

Recommended Intake

Doctors recommend the following daily intake of vitamin K: Infants need 2.5 mcg; children ages 1 to 3 require 30 mcg; children ages 4 to 8 should get 55 mcg; children ages 9 to 13 need 60 mcg; children ages 14 to 18 should have 75 mcg; and adult males and females need 120 mcg 90 mcg, respectively.


In adults, a vitamin K deficiency is rare. However, signs of a deficiency are easy bruising, blood in urine or stool, nosebleeds or excessive menstrual bleeding. A medical professional can diagnose if it is indeed a vitamin K deficiency.

Expert Insight

Scientists have recently found a direct link between inadequate vitamin K intake and osteoporosis.


Patients who take Warfarin or Coumadin should not exceed between 90 to 120 mcg of vitamin K daily as it may interfere with the medicine's effectiveness.

Tags: children ages, ages should, children ages should, need children, need children ages, vitamin deficiency