Monday, August 31, 2009

Home Remedies To Treat Razor Burn

Male or female, almost everyone has experienced the pain of razor burn. Not only is the redness uncomfortable, but it's often also unsightly. There are a number of home remedies that may be helpful is alleviating the pain of razor burn and even may help to prevent razor burn in the future.

Hot Compress

Apply a hot compress before shaving. Softening the skin will not only help to eliminate razor burn completely, but will make it less painful if it does occur.

Apple Cider Vinegar

While it might sound strange, many people sing the praises of using a compress of apple cider vinegar on the affected area. At first application, the vinegar will sting, but that initial pain will fade quickly and lessen the duration of the razor burn.


A simple paste can be made from several aspirin and water. Mash the aspirin, then mix with enough water to create a thick paste. Apply to the area and once the pain of the razor burn has diminished, usually in moments, wash with lukewarm water.

Cosmetic and Beauty Products

Application of colognes, perfumes, aftershaves or powders can irritate razor burn. Leave off using the harsh chemicals that might only irritate already injured skin.


Aloe plants are hardy houseplants and they can also be useful for combating not only razor burns, but burns of other kinds as well. Break off a leaf of the aloe plant and apply the liquid inside to the burn for almost instant relief.


Many people have hydrocortisone in their medicine cabinets. It is usually used as an anti-itch creme, but can also be applied to razor burn to alleviate that pain.


The kitchen can hold a valuable tool when it comes to alleviate pain and itch of razor burn--the potato. Cut a slice of the potato and hold it to the afflicted area for immediate, cooling relief.

Tags: razor burn, pain razor, pain razor burn