Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Poison Ivy Home Cures

An allergic reaction to poison ivy is a common skin ailment, particularly because most people do not know what poison ivy looks like or that they have even come in contact with it until they are itching later. What's more, many times people are exposed to poison ivy through their pet's fur. Although a serious reaction to poison ivy may require a trip to the doctor, most skin irritations can be treated at home.

First Steps

Whenever you realize you may have come in contact with poison ivy, immediately take a hot shower and try to rinse off as much of the toxic oil from the plant as you can. Wash the clothes you were wearing in hot water. If you still end up with a rash after the shower, it's time to try some home remedies.

Oatmeal, Baking Soda and Vinegar

One of the most common home remedies for poison ivy is the oatmeal and baking soda bath. Run a hot bath and add enough boiled oatmeal to cover the surface of the water. Add half a cup of baking soda to the mix and rest in the water for as long as you want. The oatmeal and baking soda provide relief from the itching and help dry out the oozing from the skin reaction. Once you are out of the bath, sprinkle apple cider vinegar or distilled vinegar over the affected area. This will provide instant relief to the itch and dry out the poison oil from the plant. Never cover the area, though; always leave it open to the air to help dry out the poison.

Further Relief

After you have attempted to dry out as much of the oil and oozing from the irritation as possible, the last step in curing poison ivy is to simply not scratch the wound. Scratching the wound will only irritate the skin more, invite an infection and spread the rash across your entire body. To soothe the itch, take a banana peel and rub it over every affected and itchy part of your body. Aloe vera gel can be substituted for a banana if you do not have one on hand. The peel will cool the area and relieve the itch. According to Chiff.com, some people have even called bananas the "miracle cure" for poison ivy, saying that the peel relieved the irritation when nothing else would.

If you develop severe redness and swelling, you will need to see a doctor immediately, as you may be having a dangerous allergic reaction.

Tags: baking soda, allergic reaction, come contact, come contact with, contact with, from plant, have even