Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prevent Bed Sores On The Heels

Bed sores are actually pressure ulcers caused by tissue damage to the skin. When the body experiences too much pressure because of lack of movement, bed sores develop on the immobilized area. Bed sores usually develop on bedridden people, especially elderly people. The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging states that about 1 million people experience bed sores. A number of precautions prevent bed sores on the heels.


1. Reposition legs and feet to minimize the development of bed sores on the heels. To prevent bed sores, family members or health care workers exercise the feet to promote circulation in that area. If possible, move patients from the bed to chairs periodically throughout the day.

2. Use a foot pillow to prevent bed sores on the heels. Silicone foot pillows with adjustable Velcro reduce bed sores by providing the right amount of pressure on the feet, heels and ankles to prevent growth of sores.

3. Clean and moisturize heels to prevent bed sores. The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging states that washing the area reduces dryness and irritation. Moisturizers prevent dry skin, which creates an environment for bed sore development.

4. Apply water-based gel inserts to the ankle area. These gel inserts prevent bed sores on the heels by relieving pressure on the foot and ankles. The gel also prevents skin from breaking down.

5. Utilize heel protectors to prevent bed sores. Heel protectors prevent the development of ulcers that lead to bed sore growths because they reduce friction.

6. Wear moisture gel therapy socks. These socks prevent bed sores on the heels because they eliminate the need for creams and lotions. They contain moisture creams that prevent dry, cracked feet.

7. Eat a healthy diet and remain hydrated. The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging says that diets rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fluids work against the development of bed sores on the heels.

Tags: prevent sores, prevent sores heels, sores heels, Foundation Health, Foundation Health Aging, Health Aging