Friday, March 11, 2011

Identify The Symptoms Of Lingual Tonsillitis

Lingual tonsillitis is often missed by general physicians and are generally spotted by Ear Nose and Throat specialists because the lingual tonsils are hidden behind the tongue in the throat. These are some of the symptoms that may suggest lingual tonsillitis.


1. Severely swollen lingual tonsils may cause pain when swallowing.

2. A red throat may be a symptom of lingual tonsillitis.

3. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck may suggest lingual tonsillitis but may also be caused by other conditions. Swollen lymph nodes are sometimes missed in the neck but a pain in the neck may be a symptom of swollen lymph nodes.

4. A prolonged earache that does not go away may be a sign of lingual tonsillitis even if there is no sore throat present. While ear pain is not always a symptom of tonsillitis, very often ear pain will be the only symptom reported.

5. A fever is is typically present during a lingual tonsillitis infection but not always and this may depend on the cause of the lingual tonsillitis.

6. Having your tonsils removed does not eliminate your chances of getting lingual tonsillitis because the lingual tonsils are not removed during a tonsillectomy.

7. Some triggers of lingual tonsillitis are viral and bacterial infections. Infectious mononucleosis and strep throat are the two major causes of any type of tonsillitis.

Tags: lingual tonsillitis, lingual tonsils, lymph nodes, because lingual, because lingual tonsils, suggest lingual, suggest lingual tonsillitis