Monday, March 21, 2011

Survive A Brain Aneurysm

Not all brain aneurysms are fatal.

A brain aneurysm occurs when an artery in the brain develops a weakness and bulges. Much as with a tire, when the bulge gets too big or the weakness advances, the artery can rupture.

When It Ruptures

When an aneurysm ruptures, blood seeps into the gray matter of the brain or into the space around the brain, which causes a subarachnoid hemorrhage.


According to Brain Aneurysm Resources, a ruptured artery in the brain can cause stroke, permanent damage to the brain and death (see Reference 1).


An estimated 30,000 people per year potentially will have an aneurysm that results in a subarachnoid bleed. Generally speaking, 50% of these people will die within 30 days of having the hemorrhage.

Who It Affects

Aneurysm is common in people between the ages of 35 and 60. Women are more likely than men to have an aneurysm, by almost three to two.

Increase Your Survival Rate

Be aware of the signs of aneurysm and take immediate action if they occur. Sudden severe headache, nausea and vomiting, blurred or cloudy vision and sudden changes in behavior can all signal an aneurysm.

Tags: artery brain, Brain Aneurysm, have aneurysm