Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stand To Generate Chi Energy

With a proper stance, it is possible to stand for long periods without feeling tired. Moreover, it is possible to stand and generate energy. The body draws energy from the world around. A proper stance roots us to the Earth, providing an energy source. Proper posture ensures that energy can circulate through the body, much like blood and air. Energy travels along lines the ancient Chinese referred to as meridians. When standing to generate chi, you activate points along these meridians.


1. Stand with feet approximately 1 foot apart, about the distance of your hips. Stand with your toes pointing straight ahead and your knees softly bent--relaxed, but not locked. Imagine you are rooting yourself to the Earth. Plunge imaginary roots deep into the ground.

2. Align your spine. Imagine you have a string coming out the top of your head, like a marionette. Pull this imaginary string so that your back is straight and tall. Your shoulders should sit squarely over your hips. Your hip should be straight underneath you, neither tilted back (as in a sway back) nor tilted forward (or tucked) beneath you.

3. Reach out with your arms, just below shoulder height, gently curving your arms at the elbows and wrists. Pretend you are hugging a giant beach ball to your chest. Your palms should be facing inward with the fingertips of one hand pointing at and nearly touching the fingertips of your other hand.

4. Relax and breathe deeply and slowly. Relax from the top of your head down to your toes. It usually helps to run through a mental checklist to be sure you are relaxing everything and everywhere. Start by thinking of your scalp and relaxing. Relax your face. Relax your neck and shoulders. Relax your arms (although they will still hold the ball in front of you). Relax your chest, and all other body parts, all the way to your feet. By relaxing, you are opening the passage ways for energy to flow through you.

5. Stand as still as possible, breathing in and out, staying relaxed. If possible, stand this way for five minutes. If your arms get tired, lower them briefly, but maintain their curved hug on the ball. This simple act of standing, while rooted and with open passage ways, allows your body to draw up and circulate new energy.

6. Resume whatever you were doing before you stopped to stand. You should feel more awake, more energized, even a little refreshed.

Tags: Relax your, your arms, possible stand, passage ways, proper stance, Stand with, with your