Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tea That Will Help With Sleep

Drinking herbal tea helps many people wind down after a long day. Many of the herbs used to make these teas have a calming effect and can help you sleep. Certain herbs in particular are used to treat insomnia. While it is not recommended to use teas as a long-term solution for sleep problems, they can help some people who occasionally have difficulty falling asleep.

Valerian Tea

Valerian root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to help people relax. The ancient Greeks and Romans also used it for its sedative properties. When brewed into a tea it can have a calming effect on the drinker and help treat insomnia. Valerian tea also helps soothe nervous muscles which might help you feel calmer. You can find it in natural food stores as well as shops that specialize in selling loose tea.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile boasts many beneficial properties, including the ability to soothe your nerves and help alleviate stress. While neither of these benefits will immediately cause you to sleep, they will help you relax. Being in a calm and relaxed state of mind is key to getting a good night's sleep. Chamomile tea is readily available in tea bags in grocery stores and as loose tea in specialty shops.

You may also choose to brew your own. Boil one cup of water in a saucepan and add 1 tsp. of dried chamomile flowers (available at health food stores and through online shops that sell herbs). Place the lid on the sauce pan and boil for 30 to 40 seconds. Remove the pan from the heat source and allow the tea to steep for an additional minute. Strain the flowers from the tea using a fine sieve. If desired, you may add honey to the chamomile tea for additional sweetness.

Herbal Blends

Many tea manufacturers offer teas that contain blends of different herbs that can help you wind down before bed. These teas contain a combination of herbs that might include chamomile, lemon grass, spearmint, St. John's Wort and passion flower. If you are concerned about using strong herbs, these commercially produced teas are good choices because you don't have to worry about consuming too much of any particular herb.


It's important to note that overuse of herbs can be detrimental to your health. Unless you are very familiar with their side-effects, it is best to purchase a commercially-prepared product (either in the form of a tea bag or loose tea). If you have recurring problems with insomnia, seek medical help from your doctor. While a soothing cup of tea may help you wind down and sleep better after a stressful day, long-term insomnia could be a problem that requires professional assistance.

Tags: wind down, calming effect, food stores, have calming, have calming effect, help wind, help wind down