Friday, February 24, 2012

Side Effects Of Parasite Cleanse

Side Effects of Parasite Cleanse

Advocates of parasite cleansing say that herbal remedies can flush out your colon and intestines, ridding you of bacteria and organisms that could cause you to become sick or sluggish. You can do a parasite cleanse at home or at a specialist's office, and advocates say they are safe, effective and healthful.


Parasite cleanses are ingested. As they work their way through your digestive tract, they are said to kill and sweep away unwanted pests, parasites and bacteria. Ingredients in these cleansing products may include black walnut hull, green walnut hull, common cloves or wormwood. You can buy these herbal remedies at a specialty store.


After ingesting a parasite-cleansing product, you probably will experience increased urges to frequent the bathroom as the ingredients work to clear out your system. You may have diarrhea or other gastrointestinal discomfort. The process can leave you feeling tired and a bit sluggish.


After a parasite cleanse, you may experience what is known as a "healing crisis." This occurs because the cleansing product floods your system and spurs a large amount of parasites or toxins to flow through and out of your body all at once. Your body may go into a sort of mild state of shock after being exposed to this immediate rush. This can leave you feeling as though you have come down with a cold. It also can make you nauseous.


During a parasite cleanse, you need to drink a lot of water. Advocates of cleansing say that if you don't hydrate yourself adequately, the toxins moving through your body will remain highly concentrated, leaving you feeling dizzy, tired, nauseous, and possibly even with a pounding headache. The cleansing process will further dehydrate you as it clears out your digestive tract, so you need to be especially careful to drink enough fluids so that you don't succumb to the effects of dehydration as well.


In addition to ridding the body of parasites and bad bacteria, these cleanses also may kill much of the good bacteria in our bodies. These bacteria play a role in digestion and other bodily functions. Without them, you may be unable to digest certain foods efficiently, especially dairy products. As a result, you may experience diarrhea and other stomach ailments until the natural levels of good bacteria reaccumulate.

Tags: through your, cleansing that, diarrhea other, digestive tract, Effects Parasite, Effects Parasite Cleanse, good bacteria