Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Does Gakic Work

Claims Behind GAKIC

GAKIC aids athletes by helping to increase strength and fatigue resistance via working at the molecular level, thus bypassing possibly unhealthy stimulants. GAKIC is not related in any way to the popular creatine based supplements. A product of the University of Florida, the official claim by the company is that GAKIC can help lead to near immediate results, roughly to the tune of fatigue resistance boosts of up to 28 percent, and strength increased by up to 10.5 percent. These claims are supported by a duo of scientific studies.

Eliminating Muscle Failure

Metabolic by-products, most notably ammonia, arise in the body as a result of training, and GAKIC works by diminishing or altogether canceling out the effects of these various by-products and tackling harmful toxins in the body, as well as cutting down on muscle contraction. This in turn cuts back on fatigue, adds body resistance, and allows the trainee to push themselves further and for longer periods of time, resulting in an enhanced ability to build strength and leading, ideally, to the kind of added performance numbers listed above thanks to the elimination of an early point of muscle failure. There are two kinds of failure-metabolic and neurological-with the two resulting from high and low rep training, respectively. GAKIC reduces metabolic fatigue, specifically, allowing for the time of failure to be pushed back significantly.

Chemical Composition

GAKIC's chemical makeup is known as glycine-I-arginine-alpha-ketoisocaproic acid. Glycine, the first component, is known to act as a supplement that can increase growth production hormone through various doses. As a nonessential amino acid, the body can use glycine to meet physiological needs. Arginine meanwhile works to decrease ammonia from the body, which as mentioned is one of the largest reasons leading to muscle failure during training. Additionally, when arginine is paired up with glycine, creatine levels may be boosted, although this is less documented. Finally, Alpha-ketoisocaproate is a keto acid that can work to reduce muscle loss, as well as decrease ammonia like arginine, and even serve to boost energy production in muscles thanks to its anti-catabolic based effects. As a result of these chemicals, muscle growth can be spurred and muscle fatigue significantly decreased.

Recommended Intake

One study showed that strength gains were immediate, with GAKIC users receiving an up to 10.5 percent strength boost immediately following their initial serving of GAKIC, as opposed to having to wait around for subsequent treatments. It is recommended that those training take only one GAKIC supplement each day, 30 to 45 minutes preceding a workout.

Tags: decrease ammonia, fatigue resistance, muscle failure, percent strength