Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meditate Using Zen Meditation Techniques

Meditate Using Zen Meditation Techniques

Zen meditation, known as zazen, is often referred to as 'just sitting'. You don't hold an object in your mind to meditate on or repeat a phrase over and over as you would in other meditation techniques. Zazen requires you to sit in the meditative pose and just be. Stray thoughts may arise but they are neither good nor bad so you don't focus on them. When you meditate using Zen meditation techniques you are just being in the moment.


1. Sit facing the wall with the legs crossed. You can also sit in the Lotus position with the legs crossed and each ankle resting on the opposite thigh. Place a cushion under yourself to elevate your pelvis and make the floor more comfortable.

2. Place your hands in your lap. Form the mudra by placing your left hand palm up, with your right hand, also palm up, resting on it. Let your thumbs lightly touch to form a circle.

3. Keep your back straight and chin tucked in slightly. Think of yourself as a tripod with your rear and knees anchoring you to the floor.

4. Sway back and forth slightly to find your center of balance. Stop once you feel comfortable with your posture.

5. Breathe through your nose, keeping your mouth closed. Your eyes should be half-closed and you should be looking slightly downward.

6. Begin by counting your breaths. Count on each exhalation up to ten then start again at one. If you lose count or count beyond ten, return to one once you realize, and start over. After you have been practicing meditation for some time you can quit counting.

7. Sit zazen for 10 minutes or longer. If you become distracted by random thoughts, let them go and return to your breath counting. Zazen needs to be practiced with regularity in order to reap its benefits.

Tags: with your, legs crossed, Meditate Using Meditation, meditation techniques, Using Meditation, with legs