Monday, January 14, 2013

Do A Smudge Cleansing

White sage is used in smudge cleansings.

Smudging is performed to cleanse your spirit, to remove negative energy and to add positive energy to your self and space. It is a traditional Native American and indigenous practice that is also performed before a special ceremony, such as a powwow. Today, those who smudge may do so before tackling a tough challenge or to start their day with an encouraging act. The four sacred herbs representing the cardinal directions are sweetgrass (north), tobacco (east), sage (south) and cedar (west). Other herbs, like juniper and lavender, are used in smudge cleansings by certain cultures.


1. Select an herb that reflects what you want to get out of the cleansing. Sage drives out negative spirits and energy while sweetgrass attracts positive spirits and energy. Smudge with white or desert sage first, followed by sweetgrass. Tobacco sends prayers to the Creator, cedar cleanses your mind of negative emotions, juniper brings safety to your space and lavender creates a loving and peaceful atmosphere and renews balance. Choose between a smudge stick, which is a bundle of one or several herbs, or loose herbs. A smudge stick is easier to burn.

2. Light a candle. Light an end of a smudge stick and blow on the flame so the stick is smoldering. If you are using loose herbs, light incense charcoal to a smolder, place them in a fire-proof ceramic bowl, and place 1/2 tsp. of herbs on top of the coal. Wait until smoke rises from the herbs.

3. Begin smudging by moving smoke with a fan, feather or your hand towards your body. Starting with your left foot, work your way up the left side of your body all the way up to your head. Fan smoke through the center of your face and torso and then move it around your sides to cover your back. Finish by fanning smoke all the way down your right leg to your right foot.

4. Cleanse your special space or room by starting in the northern direction and moving around in a clockwise direction. Fan smoke in all areas of the space including behind doors and the corners of the room.

5. Smudge any tools that are important for your vocation, spirituality or daily life. Tools that will be used in a ceremony are always cleansed.

6. Repeat the smudge cleansing four times, if you wish, since the number four represents balance and harmony.

Tags: smudge stick, loose herbs, smudge cleansings, spirits energy, used smudge, used smudge cleansings, your body