Monday, June 28, 2010

Cure Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary arteries have an important job, a lifelong career that lasts as long as your heart does. Their job is to supply the heart with the blood, oxygen, and nutrients it needs to do its job properly. Once they become damaged or diseased however, you are diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Many believe this disease can be cured or reversed, and offer programs stating this; they are only misleading you with their statements. It is a disease, however, that with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, can be turned into a benign disease, offering a normal life span with few or no symptoms for most patients.


Cure Coronary Artery Disease

1. Quit smoking. The leading cause of coronary artery disease is smoking or the use of tobacco. There are a variety of smoking cessation programs available for those who wish to quit.

2. Change your diet. Another way to improve the condition of your arteries is by changing your diet. Base it on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, and cut out the saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. These changes, over time, will make a difference in your arteries and your heart.

3. Take cholesterol medications. One of the most common reasons people develop coronary artery disease is because of plaque buildup due to fatty deposits along the walls of the arteries. Medications that lower the LDL, or bad cholesterol, help reduce your risk of plaque building up and resulting in, or speeding the process of, coronary artery disease.

4. Add an aspirin each day. Aspirin has two benefits; first it is used as an anti-platlet, meaning it thins the blood. Second, it is an anti-coagulant, meaning it reduces the risk of blood clots forming that could block an artery and cause a heart attack.

5. Use a blocker. A calcium channel blocker that is. Increasing the blood flow to the heart helps reduce your blood pressure because the heart doesn't have to work so hard to produce the volume of blood itself. The calcium blockers open the coronary arteries so this process can take place.

6. Get an atherectemy. During this procedure, a catheter (a thin tube) is inserted into the blocked artery along with several smaller devices. Together they clean the arteries and remove the buildup of harmful, sometimes deadly, plaque.

7. Undergo bypass surgery. This is also known as artery grafting because an artery from another area of the body is removed and surgically implanted into the heart muscle, bypassing the damaged artery. This allows another route for the blood to take when traveling through the heart.

Tags: artery disease, Artery Disease, coronary artery, coronary artery disease, coronary artery disease, Cure Coronary, Cure Coronary Artery