Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Does Attention Deficit Disorder Affect Children

ADD Symptoms

Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, can give a child the feeling of restlessness. Children that have the disorder usually cannot sit still for long periods of time, get distracted easily, have difficulty concentrating on any one thing for long, cannot seem to follow instructions clearly and at times might not be able to keep from speaking out when they shouldn't.

How They Feel

Children that have the disorder and have not been diagnosed are usually reprimanded often for outbursts and for generally not paying attention. They know that what they're doing is causing a problem, but they can't seem to control it. They feel guilty for not behaving the way their parents want them to and feel hurt for getting into trouble for something that they did. They do not understand why they cannot control their activities and become frustrated with themselves. They often have trouble making friends and have trouble with schoolwork.


Medications exist that can curb the effects of ADD. They allows the child to focus in class and keep the outbursts to a minimum. The medication for Attention Deficit Disorder will bring your child to a more controllable level, but with some sacrifice: Children will feel like they are in a slight fog, their creativity and energy will seem to diminish, and their personality will be not quite the same.

If you chose to forgo medication, there are things you can do to help the situation. Children with ADD function better in a quite environment with little distractions. They also do well when given a more structured routine to follow, engage in exercise to release pent up energy, and consume a healthy diet. Therapy is also an option that should be discussed with the child's doctor.

Tags: Attention Deficit, Attention Deficit Disorder, Deficit Disorder, Children that, Children that have