Thursday, April 14, 2011

Uses For Lime Juice

Lime juice has a wide variety of beneficial uses.

The lime is a sour citrus fruit that grows in tropical areas of the world. Limes are high in vitamin C, calcium, iron, copper and dietary fiber, making it one of the healthiest fruits. The medicinal use of lime juice goes back to the 1800s, when British sailors used it to heal the disease, scurvy. Lime juice is a potent natural microbicide, according to research conducted at the University of Melbourne in 2004. In another study by the University of Tokushima, lime juice was tested for antibacterial activity against seven different strains of the Vibrio species of bacteria, and was effective in inhibiting their growth. Lime juice has a wide variety of beneficial uses.

Skin Care

The antioxidants and high levels of vitamin C in lime juice can help rejuvenate the skin and prevent acne and blemishes. Mix 1/4 cup of lime juice, 1 cup of boiled milk and 1 tsp. of glycerin into a bowl to make a beneficial skin treatment. The mixture should be stirred well, allowed to sit for 30 minutes, then massaged into the skin. To help clear up existing pimples, acne and lessen scarring, apply lime juice to a cotton ball and dab it directly onto the affected areas.

Hair Tonic

Squeezing the juice from half of a sliced lime directly onto the hair during the final rinse while washing helps condition the hair and keep it shiny. To help prevent hair loss, massage coconut oil mixed with lime juice directly into the hair as a conditioner after washing the hair.

Relieves Sore Throat and Cold Symptoms

The antiseptic, antimicrobial, and mucus-dissolving properties of lime juice make it helpful for relieving cold and flu symptoms. Mix 1 tsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. of honey in a glass and take two to three times each day to relieve sore throat, coughing and congestion.

Soothes Tired Eyes

Lime juice helps relieve tired, strained eyes. Soak two cotton balls in a mixture of 4 tbsp. of lime juice and 4 tbsp. of ice water. Allow the cotton balls to remain over your closed eyelids for 10 minutes.

Lighten Freckles and Mild Pigmentation

Lemon juice can be applied directly onto freckles and dark blemishes to help lighten them. The high acidic content in limes helps exfoliate the top layer of skin, which increases new cell production, helping to lighten mild pigmentation over time.

Flavoring Aid

Lime juice is often used as a flavoring agent in foods and drinks. The juice can be mixed with other ingredients to make sauces and marinades for meats, fish and vegetable side dishes. Lime juice can be squeezed directly over dishes to add a burst of citrus or used by itself as a light salad dressing.

Indigestion Remedy

Lime juice can help relieve indigestion. Add 1/2 tsp. of baking soda to 1 cup of warm water. Squeeze the juice from 1/2 of a sliced lime into the cup. Drink immediately for the best results.

Tags: lime juice, directly onto, beneficial uses, cotton balls, juice from