Friday, December 27, 2013

Will Sage Tea Help Stress

Will Sage Tea Help Stress?

If you've ever used a sage "smudge" (Salvia officinalis) to make your home smell better, you're probably acquainted with the stress-reducing qualities of sage-imagine what trying sage tea can do for you. Sage tea is known to reduce stress in people experiencing anxiety or tension. It's a sedative that can calm your body down and relieve that anxiety and tension.

Learn Make Sage Tea

To make delicious sage tea, mix fresh sage leaves; add 1/2 tsp. of sugar (you could use the same amount of agave or honey, if you like); lemon juice; and a small amount of lemon rind. Add these ingredients to simmering water and steep for 20 minutes.

Enjoy Sage Tea's Anti-Stress Benefits

Once you have made the tea, you're ready to enjoy the sage tea's anti-stress benefits. This type of tea is especially good to drink after eating because it helps digestion and reduces gas, which helps reduce stress. Sage tea also defuses uric acid residue and alleviates menstrual pain. Additionally, sage tea offers the benefit of antioxidants. Antioxidants are helpful because they get rid of toxins in your body by diminishing free radicals, or cellular by-products, in your body.

When to Drink Sage Tea

Drink a cup or two of sage tea throughout the day. If you have trouble sleeping, a soothing sage tea "nightcap" is a great option. Drinking sage tea regularly can also help get rid of depression.

Tags: your body, anxiety tension, Help Stress, reduce stress, Sage Help, Sage Help Stress, Will Sage