Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What Are The Early Symptoms Of A Stroke

The early symptoms of a stroke come in the form of a TIA, a transient ischemic attack. This attack is caused by a blood clot that prevents the flow of blood to a specific area of the brain. Because it is only a temporary blockage, the TIA, or symptoms, are only temporary as well. However they should not be ignored, as the TIA is an indication of the stroke that is to come.


This can occur in the face, an arm, or a leg. It will generally take place in only one side of the body.


The TIA will affect a person's ability to balance himself properly, making it difficult to walk and stand.


One of the earliest signs of a stroke is the person's inability to communicate or understand what is being said to her. Her speech may also be slurred when she does speak.


The blood clot causing the TIA can result in either double vision or loss of vision in either or both of the affected person's eyes.


Whether a person experiences one or all of these symptoms, and regardless of whether they last for 1 minute or 5, seek immediate medical attention. These are all early warning signs of a stroke and should not be ignored.

Tags: blood clot, only temporary, should ignored, signs stroke