Friday, December 11, 2009

Deadly Herbs

Herbs are pretty but can be deadly at the same time.

Herbs provide culinary delights but can also be poisonous. Some herbs have relatives that can be found in the everyday garden, such as tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, while others can be found in fields, streams, and even in landscaping. Many of these poisonous herbs are used as liquor flavoring, insect repellents and some can be found to repel moles. But whenever working in the garden, if you are not familiar with the plant, do not eat it.


Potatoes belong to the nightshade family but are not poisonous to humans as long as they are ripe.

The nightshade family is present in the modern garden. Tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants are commonly found in the garden, but wild nightshade is the fatal species found in fields. The toxin that is found is glycosides and comes from the unripened fruit. It affects the digestive tract and nervous system.


Vermouth can be made from the flowers of the wormwood.

Wormwood (Artemisia species) is in the sunflower family and can be found in gardens as a bee repellent. In the past Artemisia absinthium was used to flavor Vermouth, Chartreuse and Benedictine, but it has been outlawed in France. People who are sensitive to pollen can have a fatal respritory reaction to wormwood's pollen, but the voilatile oil from this plant is also fatal. Never spray wormwood on plants that you plan to eat, and never consume the oil in any form or fashion.

Lantana Camara or Red Sage

The consumption of this herb affects the lungs and heart along with other organs.

The green berries of this plant are fatal. When consumed, this herb affects the lungs, kidneys, heart and nervous system.

Castor Bean

The whole plant of the castor bean is poisonous.

Castor bean belongs to the spurge family and produces the deadly toxin amanitin. The whole plant is poisonous. The seeds of this plant are sometimes mistaken for capers in the wild, and eating only one produces death in adults and children.

Tags: this plant, affects lungs, found fields, herb affects, herb affects lungs, nervous system