Monday, December 21, 2009

Stop Throwing Up With The Flu

Vomiting or vemesis is the body's reflex defense mechanism. An oral expulsion of stomach contents, it gets rid of the residue in the fight your body is waging with an invader, such as the influenza virus.

By removing toxic or harmful substances from the body, vomiting protects your health.

With some diseases like the flu, the retching---or continual contraction of the abdomen even when the stomach is empty---is miserable and painful.

One of the unique symptoms of the 2009 H1N1 flu is vomiting.

Those facing the throes of flu-caused vomiting are advised to have remedies on hand before the heaving begins.


1. Quell your queasy stomach, before you begin throwing up, by taking a 50 mg tablet of Dimenhydrinate (known by the brand names Gravol, Dramamine,Vomex, Driminate, Gravamin and Vertirosan).

It should control or lessen the nausea and vomiting.

2. Refrain from eating solid food when you're throwing up. Sip fluids like water instead or suck on ice chips. If you've been vomiting a lot, sip an oral rehydration liquid to maintain your fluid levels. These special fruit-flavored drinks or Popsicles replace the carbohydrates and electrolytes your body has lost and needs to replenish.

3. Sip cold lime juice or hot peppermint tea, two home remedies said to effectively stop vomiting.

Heat two cardamom seeds in a dry pan. Powder them and add 1 tsp. of honey. Take frequently to soothe the stomach.

Mix 1 tsp. mint juice and 1 tsp. lime juice with 1/2 tsp. ginger juice and add 1 tsp. of honey. Small sips can help ease nausea.

4. Make some peppermint tea and take it with fresh onion juice to combat nausea.

Grate an onion; its juice is cited in traditional Indian medicine as a panacea against throwing up. Squeeze the pulp through a cloth or paper towel to make one tablespoon.

Drink the onion juice. Sip a tablespoon of the peppermint tea.

Wait 10 minutes and sip more tea. The vomiting should have stopped.

Follow in 15 minutes with another sip of tea. It will help rehydrate you.

5. Breathe deeply to relax or try meditation to control the urge to vomit.

Walk outside to breathe fresh air or shift your body position to refresh your muscles.

Tags: onion juice, your body, lime juice