Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hemp Protein Powder Diet

Protein is an essential nutrient for human body. We need protein for healthy maintenance and regeneration of skin, muscle and tissue, as well as hormones, enzymes and fluid balance. Hemp protein powder is an easy source of protein and amino acids. According to Mathew G. Kadey, MSc, an Ontario-based dietician and writer," Hemp Protein Powder has been raising eyebrows in the marketplace as a very competitive protein source and a great source of all the essential amino acids."

Fatty Acids

Purchase a brand of hemp protein powder that offers 50-percent or higher protein by weight. It should contain 15 g of protein for each 30 g serving. Hemp protein powder contains more total fat than some of the other protein powders on the market. The fat is from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to Kadey, "Hemp is recognized by the World Health Organization as having what is considered to be an optimal three-to-one balance of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is this ratio that is believed to be ideal in promoting long-term well-being by decreasing the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and depression."

In a Drink

Mix hemp protein powder in a drink using any type of juice. Add it to orange juice in the morning for a healthy start or in the afternoon for a refreshing boost if you are feeling more like taking a nap than working. Add hemp protein powder to plain yogurt along with banana, berries and apple juice for a tasty, healthy treat. Put a little spirulina in your smoothie along with the hemp protein powder for extra nutritional value. Keep the fruit frozen for a refreshing drink on hot days.

In Food

Make healthy deserts with hemp protein powder by putting a tablespoon of protein powder in brownies, cookies or pumpkin pie. Use it in oatmeal for breakfast by doing the following: Combine old-fashioned oats and a cup of water or milk at night before bed. Cover and let sit overnight. Add protein powder, cinnamon, brown sugar, pumpkin and apple slices in the morning. Microwave for a few minutes, and enjoy. Also add hemp protein powder to your favorite bread. Mix it into pumpkin bread for a healthy mix of bread, vegetable and protein.

Tags: protein powder, protein powder, hemp protein, acids According, along with, amino acids, fatty acids