Monday, July 26, 2010

Breast Growth Symptoms

It's imperative for women to be aware of any breast growths because the earlier they are detected, the likelihood of surviving breast cancer increases. According to, 90 percent of all breast cancer cases are caught in the early stages. This has contributed to the declining mortality rates despite the overall cases of breast cancer increasing in the United States.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, next to lung cancer. Breast cancer is gauged medically by different levels: TNM 1, 2 and 3a. This number scoring system is used to approximate how advanced and dangerous the cancerous tumor is. If a malignant growth is discovered and diagnosed, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy will be used separately or combined to combat the disease. Survival hinges on this early detection and therapy. Breast cancer is more common in women but can afflict men as well. Positive lymph nodes and tumor size are used to judge survival, recovery and relapse.

Symptoms of a Breast Growth

Breast growth symptoms will manifest themselves by an alteration in the appearance of the nipple and breast. Inflamation, skin peeling and redness will occur in the breast nipple. In addition, the breast and nipple will become very sensitive and tender to the touch. If some of these symptoms occur, growths may be present in the underarm area. Growths are either hard or soft. Also, if blood or fluid exude from the nipple, there may be a possible growth in the breast.

More Symptoms

The breast affected by growths may become inflamed and disfigured. Also, swollen lymph nodes in the underarm area may indicate a growth in the breast. Other signs and symproms of breast growth will be: constant itching on the breast, bruising on or around the breast, rashing on the breast and nipple erections that do not relax and lower.

Malignant Tumors and Risk Factor

Malignant tumors occur when the cells in the body accumulate due to older cells not being eliminated properly as new cells grow. This collection of cells forms into tumors. Angiogenesis occurs when the malignant tumor creates new blood vessels to provide it with the necessary nutrients for survival. As the malignant tumor in the breast grows, it can spread to other parts of the body in a process referred to as invasion. Metastasis happens when malignant cells transplants into other areas of the body through the lymphatic system. These cells will form into new malignant tumors. The brain, liver, lymph nodes, lungs and bones are common destinations for new breast cancer tumors. Some risk factors for breast cancer include age, genetics, lifestyle, hormones, weight and first pregnancy age plus alcohol intake.


Benign and malignant growths in the breast region share similar signs and symptoms. It is imperative to see a doctor immediately and test for malignancy if a growth if found in the breast. As an early detection measure, women should do monthly self-exams of the breasts. Also, a doctor can determine whether symptoms of the breast are something other than cancer, such as an infection. Breast growth symptoms do not always point to cancer--they can be something else as breast conditions share similar symptoms.

Tags: breast nipple, lymph nodes, breast cancer, Breast Growth, early detection, growth breast