Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pick Fiberrich Grains

Most consumers are aware of the fact that high fiber foods are healthier than processed foods. In response, many people are now making an effort to purchase fiber rich grains. When looking for fiber rich foods in grocery stores, shoppers are often left confused and fooled. Picking fiber rich grains however is more difficult than looking at the label on the package.


1. Read the ingredient list on the package. Ingredients are listed in order of the amount of those items that are in the food. If the first ingredient in your multi-grained bread is flour, or wheat, it is not rich in fiber. The first ingredient should say “whole grain."

2. Look at the color of the foods. Foods that are rich in grains are darker than regularly processed foods. For example, brown rice is better than white rice and dark breads are better than white bread.

3. Pick up the foods. Rich fiber foods are heavier than processed foods. When trying to decide which of two-grain items is more fiber rich, pick up equally sized items, one in each hand and purchase the one that is heavier.

4. Look for one-ingredient foods and foods with just a few ingredients: A package of oatmeal should have only one item on the ingredient list: oatmeal. Rice should be just rice. Bread does not need to have a 20-ingredient list. The more ingredients and fillers are added, then more the fiber content will be diluted.

Tags: fiber rich, processed foods, rich grains, better than, better than white, fiber foods, fiber rich grains