Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Use Yoga To Improve Running

Yoga is a valuable form of exercise for runners to add to their routines. It stretches and loosens your muscles, helping you to avoid pain and injury. While you may choose to take a yoga class, you can also add yoga poses to your warm-up and cool-down routines to take advantage of their benefits.


1. Do the Downward-Facing Dog pose. Start with your hands and knees on the floor, then slowly push your hips up until you form a triangle. Press your heels and hands down to the floor, straightening your knees.

2. Try the Hero pose. Start with your hands and knees on the floor, with your feet slightly wider apart than your ankles and pointing backwards. Slowly lower your hips to the floor (or as close as possible) and sit tall and straight.

3. Hold the Warrior I pose. Stand with your feet 3 1/2 feet apart with your hands raised above your head. Turn your back foot 90 degrees to the side, bend your front knee over your ankle and reach for the sky.

4. Use the Spinal Twist. Sit with your legs extended ahead of you, and your hands on the floor behind you. Lift your left leg, moving your left foot over your right knee and placing it flat on the floor beside your knee. Twist your upper body the opposite direction and place your right elbow outside your left knee. Your left hand goes on the floor behind your spine. Repeat twisting in the opposite direction.

Tags: with your, your hands, with your hands, floor behind, hands knees