Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Is The Dan Protocol

DAN stands for "Defeat Autism Now," a leading research group based at the Autism Research Institute in San Diego. The DAN Protocol is methodology that aims to produce changes in the behavior of autistic children by altering their diets.


Autism is a development disorder that usually becomes apparent before the age of 3 and is characterized by limited communication and social skills. The elimination of refined sugars, artificial additives and other dietary components has proved to have beneficial health effects in autistic children, according to the Autistic Society.

Dairy Products

The DAN Protocol advocates removing of dairy products --- which contain the milk protein casein --- from the diet. The protocol suggests using rice or soy milk as substitutes for cow's milk.

Cereal Grain Products

Cereal grain products contain a gluey protein called gluten that is known to aggravate the digestive system of autistic children. The DAN Protocol advocates eliminating cereal grain products from the diet and replacing them with rice or other products, including vitamins and mineral supplements.

Tags: autistic children, from diet, grain products, Protocol advocates