Friday, September 4, 2009

Dealing With Breast Cancer Symptoms

Dealing with breast cancer symptoms may cause stress and anxiety just at the time when you do not need more worry in your life. Besides following your doctor's medical advice, other strategies you can use for dealing with breast cancer symptoms include making time for yourself, becoming informed about your condition and building a supportive network of people. Consider this information from the Mayo Clinic and American Cancer Society about dealing with breast cancer symptoms.

Get Informed

Learning about your diagnosis, including the type of cancer, treatment options and prognosis, may help you to feel in control and make decisions less difficult.


Spirituality may help you to reduce stress, worry and anxiety about your symptoms, and may lessen the risk of developing other medical conditions, such as depression.

Stay Active

Light to moderate exercise such as walking or yoga, light housekeeping or strolling through a park can keep your muscles strong and boost your attitude.

Eat Healthy

Eating a healthy diet can help you feel better while dealing with breast cancer by increasing your energy levels and preventing digestive troubles such as constipation and nausea.

Taking a Break

Taking a break between your medical appointments by visiting a friend, getting your nails done or taking a mini vacation can boost your spirits while dealing with breast cancer symptoms.

Distract Yourself

Distracting yourself by spending time on a hobby, volunteering or even returning to your job may help you to deal with breast cancer symptoms.

Find Support

Telling your friends, family and co-workers about your symptoms and diagnosis and finding supportive people may help you to deal with your symptoms in a positive way.

Tags: with breast, breast cancer, breast cancer symptoms, about your, with breast cancer, cancer symptoms