Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Definition Of Probiotics

Probiotics refer to live cultures, such as acidophilus bacillus or bifidus. These live cultures are found in yogurt labeled as such or as supplements found in the refrigerated section of health food stores. Probiotics help keep the "healthy bacteria" colonies in the gastrointestinal tract active--without them, digestion and immune system would suffer. Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, Korean kimchee and fermented wheat berries, called rejuvelac, all contain some probiotics.


Probiotics are found in yogurts that are labeled "made with live cultures" and that include on their ingredient label, the probiotic names, acidophilus lactobacillus, bifidus or other probiotic strain. Supplements can be made with or without dairy for those people who are lactose-intolerant. Generally these are kept under refrigeration.


After finishing a course of antibiotics, it is common for women to develop vaginal yeast infections as the antibiotics killed off all bacteria in their GI tract. To eliminate the infection, eating live cultured yogurt of taking probiotics is a well-known remedy. Even if you are not suffering from a yeast infection, taking probiotics in your diet from consuming yogurt or rejuvelac can help improve digestion and boost your immune system.


Probiotics are found in fermented foods, live culture yogurt and as nutritional supplements. The two most widely available probiotic supplements contain lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidus.


The greatest misconception is to believe that only women get yeast infections. Men get them too, from overconsumption of beer or yeasted foods, such as pizza, bread and cheese. Eating live cultured yogurt on a regular basis can help keep yeast infections at bay--for both men and women. The second misconception is to believe all yogurts have probiotics--they don't. Read the labels. Some yogurts are only made from sugar, milk, flavors, gelatin and colorings.


To be certain you are getting the probiotics you want from your foods, closely read all food labels. It is illegal to falsify claims on food labels. Label information about probiotics will also often provide details on the number of cultures, which is in the millions. Each manufacturer will often describe how it makes its probiotic formula to deliver the most live probiotics to the stomach.The proof is in the pudding--if you don't feel your digestion is improving or your yeast infection has not lessened, you may need to switch to a different yogurt or different brand of probiotic supplements.

Tags: live cultures, yeast infections, cultured yogurt, food labels, foods such, help keep