Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Get Pregnant Fast With Clomid

Want to get pregnant fast? Sick of trying and nothing every month? Clomid is a wonderful drug that some would even tout as a miracle. In fact, many infertile women have relied on Clomid to achieve pregnancy when traditional methods failed. It's easy to use, safe, and most of all effective, but you need to follow a few steps if you want to get pregnant fast, even the first month of use.


1. To get pregnant fast with Clomid, you need to visit your doctor for a prescription. Doctors routinely prescribe Clomid to patients who can't get pregnant, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding one who will comply. Some doctors only prescribe Clomid if you have been trying to achieve pregnancy for a year or more. That way it shows that you are truly having issues with fertility. If you admit you have been trying to get pregnant for less time, you will probably get the "slow down, give it some time, and it will happen" speech.

2. Ask for the generic of Clomid, clomiphene citrate, when you fill the prescription at the pharmacy. Clomid is probably not covered by your insurance since it's a fertility aid, so you want to save some money here and get the cheaper version. Drugs are not like clothes - the name brand and the knock off are the same exact thing. Clomiphene citrate will work just as well as Clomid so you can get pregnant fast, and it will cost between $25 and $50 a cycle, depending on your dosage. Brand name Clomid would cost much more.

3. Take one pill on Day 3 through Day 7 of your menstrual cycle. (Some doctors may say to take it on Day 5 through Day 9, but most people who have success and get pregnant took Clomid on Day 3 through Day 7. Discuss it with your doctor if you're concerned, but it's really just a matter of preference. Neither will harm you.) Make sure what you are calling Day 1 of your cycle is true bleeding, not just the spotting that occurs before the full blown period starts. The most common dosage of Clomid is 50mg.

4. Turn down the multiple ultrasounds to save money. Your doctor may want you to come in daily around ovulation to see how your ovaries are responding. This can be very helpful, but it is extremely expensive and again, insurance doesn't cover it. Ask politely if you can skip the ultrasounds this month due to cost. The ultrasounds won't help you get pregnant, but they will show your doctor if the Clomid is doing its job. If cost and time aren't issues, then go for it. The ultrasound tech will be able to tell you how many viable eggs you have, and the more viable eggs, the more of a chance of pregnancy.

5. Have intercourse every other day starting on Day 7. Men need about 48 hours to really build up enough sperm in their systems to easily get you pregnant. They can go two days in a row ONE TIME, and then after that, the sperm will start dwindling in numbers. Having sex every day of your cycle is a bad idea and will not help you get pregnant fast. In fact, you may not get pregnant after multiple cycles if you do.

6. Start checking your cervical mucus on Day 10 of your cycle to see if it's time to try to get pregnant. Cervical mucus (CM) should be wet and stringy, and of an egg white consistency. When the egg white CM starts, ovulation is imminent. Clomid has a tendency to dry up cervical mucus a little bit, so some people recommend taking Guaifenesin (Robitussin makes a product, but the generic is cheaper) each day from Day 10 to Day 16 to make the CM more favorable to sperm. It probably isn't necessary, but it can't hurt.

7. Start using an ovulation predictor kit on Day 10 as well. With both the ovulation predictor kit and the CM check, you should have a very good idea of when you are ovulating, and that knowledge will help you get pregnant fast! Once the kit says you are ovulating, have intercourse that day and the next day. This is the one time you get to have sex two days in a row. Then go back to every other day for as long as you'd like (at least 8 days after the positive.)

8. Take a pregnancy test on or after Day 28 if you want an accurate results. Why make yourself crazy with testing every day (even though you're dying to know!)? If you are pregnant, it will show up on a stick on Day 28. Best wishes on making your bundle of joy happen!

Tags: help pregnant, pregnant fast, pregnant fast, your cycle, your doctor